School Award

The HCPS Parent Academy, in partnership with Chick-fil-A of Harford County, is excited to announce that Old Post Road Elementary School is the September winner for the school system’s newly launched Family Friendly School Award program. Click here to view the press release for more information.                               
Family Friendly Schools Award Winner

Water Testing Results

All Maryland public and nonpublic schools are required to sample all drinking water outlets for the presence of lead pursuant to the Code of Maryland Regulations.

Please use these inks to access the results.

OPR - Primary Building 2022 Elevated_Lead_Results Notice.pdf
OPR - Intermediate Building 2022 Elevated_Lead_Results Notice.pdf

District News

Proud to be a Title 1 School!

Proud to be Title I


About Title I Schools

Title I is intended to help ensure that all children in the program have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Title I targets resources to schools where the needs are greatest.

High-poverty elementary schools (those with 66 percent or more students from low-income families) are eligible to adopt Title I programs to raise the achievement of low-achieving students by improving instruction.

Schoolwide Program - All students can receive additional services. No student identification is made that renders them eligible or ineligible for services, thus the Title I funds serve all children. Students identified as most at risk are given additional assistance.

The use of effective instructional strategies such as Success Maker, Do The Math, I Station, Family Liaison Programs, extended-day, and extended-year programs, addresses the needs of students/parents in schools.

Title I Resources:
General Info
Title I Complaint Procedures English pdf icon Español Versión pdf icon)
Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan Survey | Espanol Version

School Data

9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Ronald Wooden
Mr. Ronald Wooden
Emily Heisey
Mrs. Emily Heisey

Assistant Principal

Picture of Assistant Principal Ms. Nicole Nimmo
Ms. Nicole Nimmo
Assistant Principal

Picture of Assistant Principal Mr. Daniel Zubrowski
Mr. Daniel Zubrowski
Assistant Principal 

Facts & Figures
Facility Opened:
School Capacity:  984
Total Enrollment:  844
Classroom Teachers:  64

Demographics & Assessments
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) provides school-by-school information on demographics and assessments on This site is updated annually as data becomes available.

OPR Mission Statement: Making a difference one Penguin at a time.  We are Optimistic, Proud, Resilient. We are OPR!
OPR Vision Statement: OPR scholars will attain academic and personal success that prepares our learning community to become productive members of a diverse and ever-changing global community.


We Need Your Input!

We need your feedback! Please use this link to share your input about our school plans/budget:

School Plans / Budget Feedback

 Survey Feedback

If you have any questions about the SPA plan, please contact Principal Wooden at: [email protected].